Yesterday, Taylor had a game in Amelia and Chase had a game in Farmville.
I took Taylor to her game yesterday in Amelia. Those girls played AWESOME! Taylor's team won 11 to 4. Taylor made the play of the game. Taylor was in the center field and caught a pop fly! She didn't even have to move. It was beautiful!! That was the last out that they needed for the game! After she caught the ball, her whole team ran over to her and was giving her high fives. It was GREAT!! Casey pitched an awesome game. The way the game started was 3 up, 3 down. Casey struck them out! :) The first couple innings Taylor played catcher. It was a really good game!! :)
Ronnie went to Chase's game in Farmville. Chase's team lost the game 17 to 14. Ronnie said they all played really good. Heath hit a home run last night. I wish I was there to watch his game.
This weekend we have another packed weekend for games. Taylor has a Round Robin Tournament starting @ 9am. Kami has a double header in Fluvanna @ 9am & 11am. Chase has a game @ Charlotte Court house @ 2pm.
Have a nice day!! :)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
We really had a nice holiday weekend! Saturday, Taylor had a softball game vs. the other Cumberland team. Taylor actually played on the other team because they didn't have enough girls. Which Taylor didn't mind. The other teams coach was her coach for 2 years. She was happy! Evvie (the coach) let Taylor pitch some too. Taylor asked to get pulled from pitching and Evvie put Taylor on First base, well as Taylor was walking to First base, Evvie told her to put her arms up. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I started walking to the dugout. Evvie took Taylor out of the game because she was getting ready to pass out. Taylor has passed out on Evvie before, so I think that Evvie knows her signs. Taylor didn't mind sitting on the bench the rest of the game. I am just glad that she was okay! :)
Saturday morning, Ronnie went to help Chip and Katina get hay up. When he came back he brought my nieces with him because I watched them for Chip and Katina to go out to dinner. I really enjoyed having them. Hailey was all about Ronnie and Chase though! :( She wanted Ronnie all the time. But that is okay, I got more kisses from her than he did! LOL! After Taylor's game, I took the girls to Dollar General and they all got water guns. They had a water gun fight! They had so much fun! They didn't come inside until dark. It didn't take them long to fall asleep! :) I can't wait until I have them again! :)
Monday, Taylor had another game vs. the other Cumberland team. She had a double header. Taylor played catcher, she really enjoyed that! :) No passing out drama this time! :)
Last night, after Chase's practice Ronnie took us to dinner @ Vito's. It was nice. We saw one of our friends there with his two sons. They came over and ate with us. It was nice to visit with them. Their family is AWESOME! :)
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!! :)
Also, please pray for Michelle, Aaron, Jessica, and Aylie they are traveling back from Colorado today. They should be back to Virginia by Friday.
Saturday morning, Ronnie went to help Chip and Katina get hay up. When he came back he brought my nieces with him because I watched them for Chip and Katina to go out to dinner. I really enjoyed having them. Hailey was all about Ronnie and Chase though! :( She wanted Ronnie all the time. But that is okay, I got more kisses from her than he did! LOL! After Taylor's game, I took the girls to Dollar General and they all got water guns. They had a water gun fight! They had so much fun! They didn't come inside until dark. It didn't take them long to fall asleep! :) I can't wait until I have them again! :)
Monday, Taylor had another game vs. the other Cumberland team. She had a double header. Taylor played catcher, she really enjoyed that! :) No passing out drama this time! :)
Last night, after Chase's practice Ronnie took us to dinner @ Vito's. It was nice. We saw one of our friends there with his two sons. They came over and ate with us. It was nice to visit with them. Their family is AWESOME! :)
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!! :)
Also, please pray for Michelle, Aaron, Jessica, and Aylie they are traveling back from Colorado today. They should be back to Virginia by Friday.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monkey Doo is sick ....
Yesterday, the school called me about 2:15 and said that Chase had been in the clinic 3 different times during the day. The first time he had no fever and his head was hurting him. The nurse gave him Tylenol and sent him back to class. The second time he was complaining of his stomach hurting him. She let time lay down for a few minutes and then sent him back to class. The third time he was still complaining of his stomach hurting him. This time the nurse called me and told me what was going on with Chase. I talked to him and told him to just lay down and ride the bus to Heather's and I will be there to pick him up soon. Well, not even 5 minutes later the nurse calls me back and tells me that he got sick. She said that since they were getting ready to load the buses she was going to send him on the bus. I left work and meet Heather at the top of her driveway to get the kids. They told me that Chase threw up 3 more times on the bus. My poor guy!! Heather brought a little bucket for Chase to use on his way home. (Thanks by the way Heather!!) Thankfully he didn't need it for the ride home. He slept most of the evening. He woke up hungry. I was afraid to give him anything to eat. He found something to nibble on and a few minutes later he was complaining of his stomach again. He got sick a few more times that evening.
This morning he woke up saying that he was feeling a lot better. I didn't want to take the chance of him getting sick at school again. So, I kept him home from school today. My grandma is watching him for me. THANK YOU GRANDMA!! :) Grandma had the blanket on the chair this morning, just like she use to do when Katina and I were sick at their age. My grandma has been a huge life saver for me! I am glad that she doesn't mind watching them when they are sick.
Hopefully tomorrow Chase will be okay to go to school! He has a baseball game this evening, but it looks like he isn't going to be playing in the game tonight. They have another game Saturday he can play in. :)
Thanks again Grandma! I love you!! :)
This morning he woke up saying that he was feeling a lot better. I didn't want to take the chance of him getting sick at school again. So, I kept him home from school today. My grandma is watching him for me. THANK YOU GRANDMA!! :) Grandma had the blanket on the chair this morning, just like she use to do when Katina and I were sick at their age. My grandma has been a huge life saver for me! I am glad that she doesn't mind watching them when they are sick.
Hopefully tomorrow Chase will be okay to go to school! He has a baseball game this evening, but it looks like he isn't going to be playing in the game tonight. They have another game Saturday he can play in. :)
Thanks again Grandma! I love you!! :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Weekend Update
WOW! Another busy weekend!!
Saturday, Taylor had a softball game against Powhatan. They lost the game, but they played their hearts out. After the softball game, we headed to the Richmond Metro Zoo for Landon's birthday. We stayed there for awhile. Then we headed back to Michelle's. I really enjoyed spending time with Michelle. I don't get to see her that much anymore. This Saturday she is going to try to come out to watch Taylor and Chase's game.
Sunday, Taylor had a horse show @ Amber Hill. She did AWESOME! Ace was giving her a fit, but she handled it really well. If that was me, I would of jumped off the horse and gave up. That is one thing that I love about Taylor she is a fighter!! There were 6 people in her classes. The first class she came in 5th, second class she came in 5th, and the last class she came in 6th. I am very proud of her. The last time she rode Ace was 2 weeks ago. Once softball is over she will be able to ride more. Jessie did awesome as well. I can't remember where she placed. I know in the last class her and another rider had to stay in the ring and ride again to see who was the Reserved Champion. She didn't get it, but she did awesome! My sister told me the reason why, but I don't remember all that stuff yet. I am learning! This is only my second horse show. LOL! Thank you Mom and Amador for coming to see Taylor and Jessie show on Sunday.
Kami is going to start showing in Western Riders with Kaila. She is so excited! She said Mommy that means it will be a day all about me! :)
This coming up weekend, I get to keep all three of my nieces! I am really excited! Michelle is going to try to come out too. Hailey will have Landon to play with. It is going to be so much fun! :)
Saturday, Taylor had a softball game against Powhatan. They lost the game, but they played their hearts out. After the softball game, we headed to the Richmond Metro Zoo for Landon's birthday. We stayed there for awhile. Then we headed back to Michelle's. I really enjoyed spending time with Michelle. I don't get to see her that much anymore. This Saturday she is going to try to come out to watch Taylor and Chase's game.
Sunday, Taylor had a horse show @ Amber Hill. She did AWESOME! Ace was giving her a fit, but she handled it really well. If that was me, I would of jumped off the horse and gave up. That is one thing that I love about Taylor she is a fighter!! There were 6 people in her classes. The first class she came in 5th, second class she came in 5th, and the last class she came in 6th. I am very proud of her. The last time she rode Ace was 2 weeks ago. Once softball is over she will be able to ride more. Jessie did awesome as well. I can't remember where she placed. I know in the last class her and another rider had to stay in the ring and ride again to see who was the Reserved Champion. She didn't get it, but she did awesome! My sister told me the reason why, but I don't remember all that stuff yet. I am learning! This is only my second horse show. LOL! Thank you Mom and Amador for coming to see Taylor and Jessie show on Sunday.
Kami is going to start showing in Western Riders with Kaila. She is so excited! She said Mommy that means it will be a day all about me! :)
This coming up weekend, I get to keep all three of my nieces! I am really excited! Michelle is going to try to come out too. Hailey will have Landon to play with. It is going to be so much fun! :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tomorrow and Weekend Plans
Well, tomorrow is Taylor's big field trip to Bush Gardens. She is so excited. This is all that she has been talking about. She has to be at school tomorrow morning @ 6:15 am to ride the charter buses there. Ronnie is going with her on the field trip. I really think they both are extremely excited. Taylor was telling me about a place there that you can pet animals. She said that when they go back to school on Monday they are going to have a quiz about what they learned in there about the animals. I told Ronnie that he better be taking the camera to take pictures. I really think they both are going to have a good time. I just hope the rain holds out for them tomorrow.
Saturday, Taylor has a game @ 12pm against Powhatan. Then we have to meet my sister or my mother to drop off Taylor and Kami so they can go to my sister's to practice for the horse show on Sunday. After we drop them off, we have to head to the Richmond Zoo for Landon's birthday party and then back to Michelle's for presents, cake, and ice cream. Chase might have his friend Lane with him Saturday at the party. Chase will be happy about that so he isn't by himself. :)
Sunday, we have to be at Taylor and Kami's horse show at 7:30am. Taylor is going to lead Kami around on Ace. Then Taylor is going to be in her 3 classes. Then we have to go back to Katina's for Taylor to help with unloading Ace. We also have Katelin's birthday party @ Ashland Skateland that evening.
We have another busy weekend ahead!!! :) I will let everyone know if I make it through! :)
Saturday, Taylor has a game @ 12pm against Powhatan. Then we have to meet my sister or my mother to drop off Taylor and Kami so they can go to my sister's to practice for the horse show on Sunday. After we drop them off, we have to head to the Richmond Zoo for Landon's birthday party and then back to Michelle's for presents, cake, and ice cream. Chase might have his friend Lane with him Saturday at the party. Chase will be happy about that so he isn't by himself. :)
Sunday, we have to be at Taylor and Kami's horse show at 7:30am. Taylor is going to lead Kami around on Ace. Then Taylor is going to be in her 3 classes. Then we have to go back to Katina's for Taylor to help with unloading Ace. We also have Katelin's birthday party @ Ashland Skateland that evening.
We have another busy weekend ahead!!! :) I will let everyone know if I make it through! :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today is Landon's birthday. He is one year old! I can't believe that the time has gone by so fast. Michelle told me that he is walking by himself now. They went out to dinner the other night and he walked from the table to the car holding Michelle's hand. He really likes to walk now. I bet you Michelle is loving it because he is a big boy!! :) Saturday, Michelle is having a birthday party for him. We are going to the Richmond Zoo and then back to her house. I can't wait to see the boys!! I miss Gavin and Landon a lot. I don't see them as much as I would like to.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONKEY DOO 2! :) Aunt Ronica Loves you!! :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
Sunday was a really nice day! We went to church for Mother's Day and had our family pictures taken. We took one of the family and then one with The Minter's. I really had a good time at church. We haven't been there in a while. It was nice seeing everyone again. We really need to get back into the groove! The Mother's Day pictures are posted to the blog. So, enjoy the pictures!! :)
Usually Ronnie and I don't give gifts to each other for Mother's Day or Father's Day. We use the money for other things. I must have been a really good Mother this year, because Ronnie gave me the one thing that I have been wanting for the longest time, a LAPTOP!!! My honey really loves me!! :) That is the best gift ever!!!
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!! :)
Usually Ronnie and I don't give gifts to each other for Mother's Day or Father's Day. We use the money for other things. I must have been a really good Mother this year, because Ronnie gave me the one thing that I have been wanting for the longest time, a LAPTOP!!! My honey really loves me!! :) That is the best gift ever!!!
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!! :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Chase's Game Last Night
Good morning to all!! I just wanted to let everyone know that last night Chase's team played Powhatan. Powhatan has really good teams. The boys were really nervous about playing them. I really think at first they went in with the attitude of losing. Well, last night was an AWESOME game. The boys played great. Cumberland won 16 to 15!!! Brandon hit a home run with the base's loaded. It was a great game. I am so proud of those boys!! GO CUMBERLAND!!! :)
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Mother's Day 2009