Monday, March 30, 2009
Today is my man's birthday! He is 9 years old! Chase is a very sweet boy! He has the biggest heart. He doesn't like to see anyone upset. If Chase can figure a way to make some one happy he will. When Chase stayed at my mom's Saturday night, Papa let him cut the grass. He really enjoyed cutting it. They are staying the night there next Saturday too because Ronnie and I are having a date night, and Chase asked me if the grass will grow by then so he can cut it. LOL!
Happy birthday Monkey Do!! I love you!! :)
Happy birthday Monkey Do!! I love you!! :)
Weekend Update
We had the children's birthday party on Saturday. Everyone had an awesome time. Ronnie was giving all the children Go-Kart rides in the mud. Heather was taking pictures for me because I couldn't find my camera. Heather takes awesome pictures and she was more than happy to take them for me. Thanks Heather!! :) The rain held out for us Saturday. It didn't start raining until everyone was getting ready to leave. Taylor went home with Katina to spend the night. Chase and Kami went to my mom's to spend the night. After everyone left the birthday party, Ronnie went to paint a car for Randall. I was home by myself. I had a nice, quiet evening by myself. I couldn't tell you how long it has been that I have had an evening completely by myself. It was really nice.
Sunday, I went to my sister's to pick up the children. Taylor's horse show was cancelled again, so she rode Ace yesterday for a little while. She has another horse show scheduled on 4/19/09 @ Amber Hill.
When I get the pictures from Heather I will post some!
Thanks to everyone who came to the birthday party!! :)
Sunday, I went to my sister's to pick up the children. Taylor's horse show was cancelled again, so she rode Ace yesterday for a little while. She has another horse show scheduled on 4/19/09 @ Amber Hill.
When I get the pictures from Heather I will post some!
Thanks to everyone who came to the birthday party!! :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Girls Sick AGAIN ....
This morning Taylor came in the bathroom while I was taking a shower and said Mommy I don't feel good. She said that she felt really dizzy and her throat hurts. I know she didn't feel good because she is a sleeper and I was in the shower @ 5:15 this morning. LOL! I told her to go lay back down and I would take her to the doctor this morning to get checked out. Then low and behold when Kami woke up she had gunk all over her eye. It was sealed shut. So after I got Chase on the bus this morning, we left to go to the doctors. Taylor was tested for strep throat and the flu. They came back negative. Taylor was running a fever of 100.7 and the doctor said that Taylor just has a virus. She needs to take Motrin and Tylenol every 3 hours. Kami was tested for strep throat as well and it came back negative, but she does have Pink Eye. Kami has to have drops put in her eye three times a day. My Aunt Joy and Grandma have them today for me. The girls were excited to be with them! That is a good thing! :)
Chase's baseball practice has been cancelled for today!! AMEN!!
Chase's baseball practice has been cancelled for today!! AMEN!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Weekend Update
We had a nice and quiet weekend. We stayed in Cumberland all weekend! That was a really nice change. Saturday, the girls had to be at the softball field @ 2pm to meet the team and coaches and practice. They were really excited. It was nice seeing the friends that I made during Softball season too. The girls had a real nice team. They made them run around the football field twice. Kami was complaining of her legs hurting all day yesterday. LOL! Chase had his baseball tryouts Saturday @ 4pm. There were a lot of boys there. Chase had fun playing baseball again. He wants to be the catcher again this year, so we told him that he has to work for it. We aren't really sure where Coach David is going to put him. We will see what happens. But they are all excited about playing ball again. Hopefully Ronnie's work schedule will allow him to help me more.
Sunday we cleaned house ALL day long. Ronnie rearrange the living room to make it bigger. We are having the children's birthday party this coming up Saturday (3/28/09) and they are calling for rain, so now we will have the room if everyone has to come inside. Hopefully it will not rain.
I hope everyone has an AWESOME day! :)
Sunday we cleaned house ALL day long. Ronnie rearrange the living room to make it bigger. We are having the children's birthday party this coming up Saturday (3/28/09) and they are calling for rain, so now we will have the room if everyone has to come inside. Hopefully it will not rain.
I hope everyone has an AWESOME day! :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bragging Time .....
Last night after dinner I sat down on the couch for a minute. My mom called me and I was chit chatting with her for a few. Then when I got off the phone, I saw Chase standing at my kitchen sink WASHING DISHES!!! I was shocked and amazed. I didn't ask Chase to do my dishes, he just took it upon himself to do them for me. Isn't he a sweet child!! I love him! Well, to top that off, Taylor was MAD that Chase was doing her new chore. So, now I think I am going to rotate nights for them to wash dishes. Kami wants to get involved too, so I really need to figure that one out. Maybe I could have her dry the dishes!!??!! I know I have said it before, but I have some AWESOME children!! :)
It was also report card time this week. Taylor is on the Principal Honor Roll list (which is straight A's), Chase is on Honor Roll with all A's and 1 B, and Kami is on the Principal Honor Roll list (straight A's). Chase was in an inclusion classroom because he had a Developmental Delay. Chase would have issues with reading something to himself and not understanding what he just read. The teachers would have to read all his test and quizzes to him. Well, they stopped that because he no longer meets that requirement because he has progressed so much. The grading period before last he had A's, 1 B and 1 C. On this grading period he brought that C up to an A!! I am very proud of him. I know he was struggling at first adjusting to reading the test and quizzes to himself. I think he has done AWESOME!!
It was also report card time this week. Taylor is on the Principal Honor Roll list (which is straight A's), Chase is on Honor Roll with all A's and 1 B, and Kami is on the Principal Honor Roll list (straight A's). Chase was in an inclusion classroom because he had a Developmental Delay. Chase would have issues with reading something to himself and not understanding what he just read. The teachers would have to read all his test and quizzes to him. Well, they stopped that because he no longer meets that requirement because he has progressed so much. The grading period before last he had A's, 1 B and 1 C. On this grading period he brought that C up to an A!! I am very proud of him. I know he was struggling at first adjusting to reading the test and quizzes to himself. I think he has done AWESOME!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Growning Up ...
I couldn't believe that Taylor turned 10 years old. I just couldn't believe that I had a child in the double digits. LOL! But there are some good things about the children growing up. Taylor did the dinner dishes last night!!! :) :) That took a load off of me!! :) Taylor wants that to be her new chore. ROCK ON TAYLOR!! Every house that we have lived in I have NEVER had a dishwasher, guess what NOW I do!! LOL!
Thank you Tay!! I love you!! :)
Thank you Tay!! I love you!! :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Today is Taylor's birthday. She is 10 years old. I can't believe that she is that old. I remember when she use to run around the house with her tight curls. She was a chunky and very happy baby. She loved to eat. It took her 3 minutes to finish a bottle!! LOL! She was always smiling. The only time she really would cry is when she was hungry. With her being my first, I spoiled her so much! I constantly had to hold her! God blessed me with a wonderful daughter if I do have to say so myself. Tonight for dinner she wanted Pork Chops and mashed potatoes. So, that is what she is having. She is going to help me cook dinner tonight. She is so excited. She said, "Mommy if I learn how to cook, then I can cook some nights and you can take a break." I love the way she thinks! LOL!
I have 3 great children. I couldn't imagine my life without any of them. Taylor is my helper, Chase is mommy protector, and Kami is my love bug. I am glad that God has given me my children. I couldn't ask for any better children! I love them with all my heart! :)
Ronnie is sick. He left work early today because he doesn't feel too good. He can barely talk. He isn't even going bowling. Please pray for him to get better.
Please keep praying for my Aunt Joy. She misses Alex so very much!
I have 3 great children. I couldn't imagine my life without any of them. Taylor is my helper, Chase is mommy protector, and Kami is my love bug. I am glad that God has given me my children. I couldn't ask for any better children! I love them with all my heart! :)
Ronnie is sick. He left work early today because he doesn't feel too good. He can barely talk. He isn't even going bowling. Please pray for him to get better.
Please keep praying for my Aunt Joy. She misses Alex so very much!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Weekend Update
Even though it rained all weekend, we still had a nice one. Saturday, the kids and I went to my Grandma's to visit her. She made us lunch and had cupcakes for the children to celebrate their birthday's with her. She got all 3 of them a nice gift. I really enjoyed myself visiting with her. The kids had fun too! Thank you Grandma! LOVE YOU! :)
After we left my Grandma's we went to Ronnie's moms house for a Family Reunion. Violet's sister Patty from Ohio was in town. So all her brothers and sisters came over. They had a lot of food. The children enjoying themselves. We left there around 6:30 and went to the grocery store. Then when we got home we ate taco's for dinner. The children got a shower and off to bed they went.
Sunday was Kami's 7th birthday. We were suppose to go to church for her birthday, but everyone in the house slept in LATE. Kami wanted blueberry muffins for her birthday breakfast, so I made some muffins for her. She woke up to the smell of the muffins baking. So, since we missed church, Ronnie took all 3 children to Laser Quest for a couple of hours. I stayed at the house to bake Kami's birthday cake and to clean the house. Kami wanted chicken nuggets and mac and cheese for her birthday dinner (mommy got off easy!) . We had a really nice and quite weekend.
The children's birthday party is the 28th. So that is when everyone is coming to our house. The kids can't wait to have all their cousins and friends come. :)
Taylor's birthday is tomorrow! She will be 10!!!
I do have a prayer request, my Aunt Joy's dog Alex passed away last night. She had Alex for 14 years. She loved him like he was a son to her. She is really devastated. Please pray for her!
After we left my Grandma's we went to Ronnie's moms house for a Family Reunion. Violet's sister Patty from Ohio was in town. So all her brothers and sisters came over. They had a lot of food. The children enjoying themselves. We left there around 6:30 and went to the grocery store. Then when we got home we ate taco's for dinner. The children got a shower and off to bed they went.
Sunday was Kami's 7th birthday. We were suppose to go to church for her birthday, but everyone in the house slept in LATE. Kami wanted blueberry muffins for her birthday breakfast, so I made some muffins for her. She woke up to the smell of the muffins baking. So, since we missed church, Ronnie took all 3 children to Laser Quest for a couple of hours. I stayed at the house to bake Kami's birthday cake and to clean the house. Kami wanted chicken nuggets and mac and cheese for her birthday dinner (mommy got off easy!) . We had a really nice and quite weekend.
The children's birthday party is the 28th. So that is when everyone is coming to our house. The kids can't wait to have all their cousins and friends come. :)
Taylor's birthday is tomorrow! She will be 10!!!
I do have a prayer request, my Aunt Joy's dog Alex passed away last night. She had Alex for 14 years. She loved him like he was a son to her. She is really devastated. Please pray for her!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Snowing in Cumberland ...
Just when we thought that it was going to be Spring time weather!! NOT!! When I left for work this morning @ 5:50 am, the snow was coming down. My truck was covered with snow. Heather emailed me and said that it was still coming down pretty good. I hope this cold weather doesn't last long. I want to be able to work in the yard, leave my windows open, & play ball with the children in the yard.
I will keep praying & keep my fingers crossed that it happens real soon!! :)
Have a great day and weekend!! :)
I will keep praying & keep my fingers crossed that it happens real soon!! :)
Have a great day and weekend!! :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
March Madness Coming
Hello all! Well Sunday is coming closer and closer. My baby, Kami, is going to be 7 years old. She has grown up a lot these past few months. She is getting taller and taller. She is the most lovable child I know. She always wants to give hugs and kisses. She always tells you she loves you. She has no problem expressing her feelings with everyone. If she loves you, she lets you know. That is one thing that I truly love about her. She is genuine. If you make her mad she lets you know too. LOL!
Sunday is the start of my crazy month. Not only is Kami's birthday in March. ALL 3 of my children's birthday's are in March. Kami's birthday is on the 15th, Taylor's birthday is on the 17th, and Chase's birthday is on the 30th. (What can I say, Ronnie and I like June/July) We are having a birthday party for them on the 28th at my house. It should be really fun!
Sunday is the start of my crazy month. Not only is Kami's birthday in March. ALL 3 of my children's birthday's are in March. Kami's birthday is on the 15th, Taylor's birthday is on the 17th, and Chase's birthday is on the 30th. (What can I say, Ronnie and I like June/July) We are having a birthday party for them on the 28th at my house. It should be really fun!
Monday, March 9, 2009
We had a really busy weekend. Friday after the children got off the bus, we went to Montpelier to meet my sister to drop off Taylor and for me to get Kaila. The girls had so much fun! Friday was all about driving really because it takes me an hour to get to Montpelier from my house. Then Saturday, my Dad called and said that he was going to be in Virginia around 8pm or so. So, for my sister's and I to see my Dad, we were all playing phone tag and trying to get a game plan down. We decided to go to my sister Theresa's camp ground. It was an awesome weekend for it. Ronnie and I left our house around 3:30 pm to meet my sister Katina in Montpelier to get her kids and truck. Katina and Chip had plans with Daryl, Abbie, Betsy, and Jon to ride their bikes to dinner for Betsy's birthday. So, I had to drive Katina's truck so she would have a vehicle the next day to get the kids home. On the way to the camp ground we stopped by my mom's house because she was going to babysit Hershey for the night. Well she ended up keeping Hailey too. Hailey was feeling a little under the weather.
So we left there and headed to the campground. I was so excited and anxious to get there to see my sister Theresa and then eventually see my Dad. I don't get to see either of them as much as I would like to. We arrived at the campground and was greeted by big hugs from Theresa and Kaylee. I can't believe how much Kaylee and Drew have grown. Katina and Chip arrived about 3 minutes before my Dad and his friend John arrived at the campground. Katina pretty much just got off the bike and got in Theresa's truck so we could meet Dad in front of the campground. Theresa and I were watching Dad park his truck and we both said, I feel like a little kid. You know how you get those butterflies in your stomach because you are happy to see someone. That is how it is when I see my Dad. I don't get to see him that often. We usually only see him once a year in the summer, so this weekend was nice. We all had a good time Saturday night staying up talking and laughing. We did a lot of laughing! :) The kids were happy to see their Pap Paw. Dad enjoyed seeing everyone. I loved spending time with my sister Theresa too. When her and I are together all we do is laugh. Dad calls us his giggle boxes. I don't get to see Theresa that much either. We usually see each other maybe 2 times a year. I told her that we are going to have to start seeing each other more! I am very proud of her, she is going back to school to get her Teacher's Degree! She is an awesome sister!! :) Love you sis!! :)
Sunday, we went to mom's for a cookout for her birthday. We had a nice time there as well. With the time change, I was so off whack. I was so tired. We finally got home around 8pm. I still had to cook dinner and do my other mommy things. Thank goodness my mom made Kami get a bath before we left her house. Taylor and Chase took showers while I was making dinner. Ronnie was doing his Daddy things. I finally was able to go to sleep around 11pm.
Well, I hope everyone has an awesome week!! :)
So we left there and headed to the campground. I was so excited and anxious to get there to see my sister Theresa and then eventually see my Dad. I don't get to see either of them as much as I would like to. We arrived at the campground and was greeted by big hugs from Theresa and Kaylee. I can't believe how much Kaylee and Drew have grown. Katina and Chip arrived about 3 minutes before my Dad and his friend John arrived at the campground. Katina pretty much just got off the bike and got in Theresa's truck so we could meet Dad in front of the campground. Theresa and I were watching Dad park his truck and we both said, I feel like a little kid. You know how you get those butterflies in your stomach because you are happy to see someone. That is how it is when I see my Dad. I don't get to see him that often. We usually only see him once a year in the summer, so this weekend was nice. We all had a good time Saturday night staying up talking and laughing. We did a lot of laughing! :) The kids were happy to see their Pap Paw. Dad enjoyed seeing everyone. I loved spending time with my sister Theresa too. When her and I are together all we do is laugh. Dad calls us his giggle boxes. I don't get to see Theresa that much either. We usually see each other maybe 2 times a year. I told her that we are going to have to start seeing each other more! I am very proud of her, she is going back to school to get her Teacher's Degree! She is an awesome sister!! :) Love you sis!! :)
Sunday, we went to mom's for a cookout for her birthday. We had a nice time there as well. With the time change, I was so off whack. I was so tired. We finally got home around 8pm. I still had to cook dinner and do my other mommy things. Thank goodness my mom made Kami get a bath before we left her house. Taylor and Chase took showers while I was making dinner. Ronnie was doing his Daddy things. I finally was able to go to sleep around 11pm.
Well, I hope everyone has an awesome week!! :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Today is my mom's birthday! She is 55 years old! I know she will not get mad that I put her age out there like that. She isn't a shy person! LOL! On Sunday, Katina and I are going to my mom's house for a cook out to celebrate her birthday. I am really excited about that because it is going to be nice with everyone together. The weather is suppose to be AWESOME! I wish Sunday was already here!! LOL!
Today after work, I have to get the children off the bus because Heather is off today. Baylie has a couple of doctor's appointments today. Once I get the children off the bus, we are heading to Katina's. Taylor is going to spend the night with Katina tonight and Saturday night. I am bringing home Kaila with me. Kami is soooo excited about Kaila spending the weekend with us. I am glad too, I really do love spending time with my niece's. I honestly can't wait to have Jessie and Hailey too. If everything works out the way I hope that it does, I will be able to see them everyday and they can visit me as much as they want.
Taylor and Jessie's horse show has been rescheduled until 3/29/09. I am bummed that it keeps getting moved back, but I totally understand why it does. This just gives the girls more riding time.
Well, I hope everyone has a nice Friday!! :)
Today after work, I have to get the children off the bus because Heather is off today. Baylie has a couple of doctor's appointments today. Once I get the children off the bus, we are heading to Katina's. Taylor is going to spend the night with Katina tonight and Saturday night. I am bringing home Kaila with me. Kami is soooo excited about Kaila spending the weekend with us. I am glad too, I really do love spending time with my niece's. I honestly can't wait to have Jessie and Hailey too. If everything works out the way I hope that it does, I will be able to see them everyday and they can visit me as much as they want.
Taylor and Jessie's horse show has been rescheduled until 3/29/09. I am bummed that it keeps getting moved back, but I totally understand why it does. This just gives the girls more riding time.
Well, I hope everyone has a nice Friday!! :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday ....
Well the children are still out of school. They went to Heather's today so I could go to work. They were really excited to play with their friends. Chase especially because since he started the After School program at school, he only sees Lane 2 days a week. Poor Chase! We couldn't find Chase's snow boots so, the poor guy is wearing girl boots. He didn't want to wear them to Heather's because Lane would see them. I said well, I am sorry but if you don't wear them then you will not be able to go outside and play. He said, I will wear them. Lane will not pick on me. He is my buddy! I said that's right. LOL!
Well, everyone have a nice Wednesday!! :)
Well, everyone have a nice Wednesday!! :)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Today is my sister Theresa's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I miss you and Love you!
The snow is beautiful! We received about a foot of snow in our neck of the woods. Last night the lights kept on flickering and finally the electricity gave out. We lost power about 10:00. We packed our bags and headed to Violet's house. We got to Violet's around 1am. We have trees down all over our road. We tried to go one way and we couldn't even get by all the trees. We had to turn around and go another way. It was a long drive to Chesterfield. We made it though.
Poor Hershey! When Ronnie took him outside to go to the bathroom, we lost him in the snow. It was funny! Ronnie scooped him up and carried him to a place that he could go to the bathroom. I wish I had my camera to take pictures. We were in such a rush to get to Violet's that the children didn't pack any of their snow clothes. We will figure something out for them to use. You have to play in the snow. It isn't often that we get this kind of snow. :)
Hope everyone enjoys the snow! Stay warm and cozy!!
Oh! Taylor's horse show has been postponed until 3/8/09 due to the weather. If anything changes, I will update you.
Poor Hershey! When Ronnie took him outside to go to the bathroom, we lost him in the snow. It was funny! Ronnie scooped him up and carried him to a place that he could go to the bathroom. I wish I had my camera to take pictures. We were in such a rush to get to Violet's that the children didn't pack any of their snow clothes. We will figure something out for them to use. You have to play in the snow. It isn't often that we get this kind of snow. :)
Hope everyone enjoys the snow! Stay warm and cozy!!
Oh! Taylor's horse show has been postponed until 3/8/09 due to the weather. If anything changes, I will update you.
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Mother's Day 2009