Yesterday when I was at work, I received a call from the school nurse saying that Kami was in the clinic complaining of a headache, sore throat and her stomach hurt. The nurse took her temperature and she had a fever of 102.7*. So off to the doctor we went AGAIN! We got to the doctor's office at 1:45 and didn't leave until well after 4pm. That place was busy!! Her doctor said that she tested negative for the flu, but her blood work did show that she had a virus, but they can't check for every single virus. She told me to continue with the antibiotic that she is currently on and give her Motrin and Tylenol for the fever. Well, this morning around 4am, Kami came into my bedroom complaining that her head hurt really bad. I went to take her temperature and her temperature was 104.7*!!! I woke Ronnie up to make sure that that was what I was seeing. I gave her some Motrin while Ronnie started a luke warm bath for her. I called the doctor's office and had to wait for the on call doctor to call me. When she finally did, she told me that there is a Fever Virus going around and that the fever's can be from 100* to 105*. She said just for me alternate from Motrin to Tylenol (which that was what we are doing). She said that there really isn't nothing that can do for her!! I am getting so tired of her being sick all the time. It isn't any of my other children, just KAMI! Poor thing! If she spikes a fever that high tonight, I can tell you one thing, I WILL be taking her to Emergency Room! I just don't understand why she is getting sick all the time. Something really has to give for her! Oh, my niece Kaila has the same virus. Her fever hasn't spiked as high as Kami's though. Please pray for Kami and Kaila to get better and stay better for a long time!
Tomorrow is Taylor's first horse show (if the weather holds up). She is so nervous. Right now she is at a 4-H Horse Clinic with Jessie and my sister. Taylor is spending the night with Katina tonight and I am going to meet them at the horse show in Mechanicsville tomorrow. My mom is going to come to. She is really nervous for Taylor too. Grandma will be strong though. That is just the type of person my mom is. She is going to be Taylor's rock tomorrow. On the other hand, I will probably be the one freaking out. We will all get through this! LOL!
I will update everyone on Kami and the results of Taylor's horse show on Monday. (Hopefully I will have some picture's to post)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Horse Show getting closer ....
Taylor is getting nervous!! She is on the countdown! She is excited for her first show, but she doesn't want to mess up. I told her as long as she has confidence in herself and Ace she will do fine. She has Aunt Katina, Jessie, Grandma, Papa, Daddy, and me for support! I know she will do fine. I just hope that she doesn't get sick! LOL!
Well I have to get to work now!
Well I have to get to work now!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mommy Sick Now ...
Today I went to see my doctor because my gland by my right ear was swollen. Guess what? I have an ear infection. Mommy is feeling a little under the weather!! :( They gave me an antibiotic. I have taken my first dose of it earlier today. I am taking Aleve for the pain. I never realized how painful an ear infection is. I will REALLY sympathise with my children when they have one. OUCH!!
Oh, I did receive a call from Kami's doctor and her urine has come back negative for anything! :) Glory to GOD!! We are still waiting on the results from her stool samples. We should have those results by Friday.
I will post the results when I get them! :)
Oh, I did receive a call from Kami's doctor and her urine has come back negative for anything! :) Glory to GOD!! We are still waiting on the results from her stool samples. We should have those results by Friday.
I will post the results when I get them! :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday News
Yesterday was a normal Monday! All the children made it through the day at school! Yeah!! :) Knock on wood, they are going to make it through each day for the rest of the year. :) I really think the antibiotic that the doctor put Kami on is really helping her. Kami is really good with taking medicine. Taylor brought home a field trip permission slip yesterday for BUSH GARDENS! Taylor was so excited. The children that have good grades and no office or bus referrals get to go on this trip. She wants her Daddy to go with her on the field trip. The field trip costs $60.00 per person. OUCH! Don't worry she is going to be able to go. Her field trip is on May 15th.
I spoke with my Grandma yesterday and she is giving Taylor or own knitting needles and bag for her crafts. I told Taylor and she was so excited! She wanted me to take her last night!! LOL! My grandma wants me to bring her to her house so they can sit down with each other. So, I am going to have to see when we will be able to go there. We have a busy weekend coming up. Saturday, we are going to Katina's and the girls (my niece's Jessie, Kaila, and Taylor) have to get their horse's ready for the horse show on Sunday. My sister just tells me where to be and what time. Katina runs the show! LOL! Then, Sunday is the big day. Taylor's first horse show! I think mommy is more nervous than Taylor! Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures Sunday after the show.
Have a GREAT day!! :)
I spoke with my Grandma yesterday and she is giving Taylor or own knitting needles and bag for her crafts. I told Taylor and she was so excited! She wanted me to take her last night!! LOL! My grandma wants me to bring her to her house so they can sit down with each other. So, I am going to have to see when we will be able to go there. We have a busy weekend coming up. Saturday, we are going to Katina's and the girls (my niece's Jessie, Kaila, and Taylor) have to get their horse's ready for the horse show on Sunday. My sister just tells me where to be and what time. Katina runs the show! LOL! Then, Sunday is the big day. Taylor's first horse show! I think mommy is more nervous than Taylor! Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures Sunday after the show.
Have a GREAT day!! :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
A Few Updates
These past few days have been crazy! Wednesday I had to leave work early because both my girls were in the clinic throwing up. Poor things! I am on a first name basis with the school nurse. She said when I walked in, you know you really don't need to work. LOL! But anyway, I took the girls home and they both got their PJ's on and laid down. Taylor was feeling a little better by the time Chase got home from after school program. The only thing she was still complaining about was her throat. Kami was still sleeping, so I let her sleep. I started cooking dinner and when Ronnie got home he went to Kami's bedroom to check on her. When he said her name, she sat up and starting throwing up everywhere. We got her down and put her in the bath. She had it all in her hair. We took the bedspread and sheets off the bed and washed them. After her bath she was fine for about an hour or so and then it started all over again. It was coming out of both ends. So, I called the on-call doctor and she told me for an hour every 15 minutes give Kami a teaspoon of Karo Corn Syrup, this should help stop her vomiting. We did and guess what, She stopped! :) Kami didn't go to sleep until around 1am. Taylor, Kami and I passed out in the living room.
Thursday, I had to stay home from work to take care of the girls. I took them to the doctor to find out what was going on with them. Taylor was fine, she just had a bug. Kami on the other hand, they did blood work & tested her for strep. The strep test came back negative. The results on her blood work we haven't heard anything. They sent me home with 3 containers for stool samples and a prescription for an antibiotic. The stool samples were delivered to the doctor on Saturday. They said that it should take 3 to 5 days to get the results. So, we are pretty much playing the waiting game. :( I don't like waiting for the results. I wish I knew now!
Sunday, we went to my mother-in-laws for my niece Kaela's birthday party. I can't believe that she is 11 years old. We had a good time there. Kami played Mario Cart the whole time. Taylor and Kaela have them tennis shoes called Heeley's, so they did that the majority of the time. Chase was playing with Lydia's son Tristan the whole time. After we left there our family went and ate dinner with Lydia, Todd, Kaela, and Tristan at KFC. We had fun!! :)
My sister called my yesterday and she has found a 96 Tahoe for sale for $500.00. Ronnie is going to go and look at it to see if it is worth buying or not. I hope so. I would love to have another big vehcile.
When I find out the results from Kami's tests I will let everyone know.
Thursday, I had to stay home from work to take care of the girls. I took them to the doctor to find out what was going on with them. Taylor was fine, she just had a bug. Kami on the other hand, they did blood work & tested her for strep. The strep test came back negative. The results on her blood work we haven't heard anything. They sent me home with 3 containers for stool samples and a prescription for an antibiotic. The stool samples were delivered to the doctor on Saturday. They said that it should take 3 to 5 days to get the results. So, we are pretty much playing the waiting game. :( I don't like waiting for the results. I wish I knew now!
Sunday, we went to my mother-in-laws for my niece Kaela's birthday party. I can't believe that she is 11 years old. We had a good time there. Kami played Mario Cart the whole time. Taylor and Kaela have them tennis shoes called Heeley's, so they did that the majority of the time. Chase was playing with Lydia's son Tristan the whole time. After we left there our family went and ate dinner with Lydia, Todd, Kaela, and Tristan at KFC. We had fun!! :)
My sister called my yesterday and she has found a 96 Tahoe for sale for $500.00. Ronnie is going to go and look at it to see if it is worth buying or not. I hope so. I would love to have another big vehcile.
When I find out the results from Kami's tests I will let everyone know.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Update on Taylor ...
Taylor had the best time with her great grandma yesterday. My grandma taught Taylor how to knit. My grandma was amazed with how fast Taylor caught on to the whole concept. Taylor had about 12 inches of yarn all knitted up. Taylor said she didn't want to stop knitting. She was mad that her Dad came early to pick her up. She wanted to stay there all day long. Ronnie and I had an appointment yesterday after work for some "relief". All I can say about that appointment is "GOD IS GOOD"! After our appointment Ronnie went bowling like he does every Tuesday. Taylor and I went to pick up Chase and Kami from Heather's. On the way to Heather's, we passed some construction work on Midlothian where they are building a new shopping center, Taylor turned to me and said,"Mommy do you know that they are putting a yarn and fabric store in there"? I just smiled at her and said, "So I take it you would like some yarn to knit?" She said, "Yep. I want to make great grandma something. She always makes me blankets. I love my blankets mommy." I said okay when they open up we will go. Taylor really loved spending time with Great Grandma. She wants to go to Great Grandma's every time she is sick. So be prepared Grandma, you have a new buddy! Thanks again for watching her Grandma! :)
I have a couple of prayer request today, my sister's dog, Shay was involved in a dog fight on Monday. It was a really bad one. Shay and the other dog Cassie were both hurt. Cassie is hurt really bad. Shay is a huge part of my sister's family. My niece's were really upset! Please pray that Shay and Cassie make it through all their injuries. Also, please pray for my friend Heather's daughter Baylie. She is having some health concerns right now. They have ran some tests on her and they haven't found out the results yet. Heather and her family really need every ones prayers. Please pray for them.
I have a couple of prayer request today, my sister's dog, Shay was involved in a dog fight on Monday. It was a really bad one. Shay and the other dog Cassie were both hurt. Cassie is hurt really bad. Shay is a huge part of my sister's family. My niece's were really upset! Please pray that Shay and Cassie make it through all their injuries. Also, please pray for my friend Heather's daughter Baylie. She is having some health concerns right now. They have ran some tests on her and they haven't found out the results yet. Heather and her family really need every ones prayers. Please pray for them.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Poor Taylor .....
Last night Taylor was complaining about her stomach hurting. She ate some of her dinner and went to sleep around 7:00 pm. When she woke up this morning she was still complaining that her stomach hurt. Since I couldn't stay home from work today, I called my Grandma (she lives in the West End), to see if she could take care of Taylor today while I went to work. Of course my Grandma said, 'Of course.' My grandma is a wonderful person! When I arrived at her house to drop Taylor off, I walked in and my grandma had her recliner chair covered up with a big blanket. Taylor sat down and my grandma tucked her in all nice and snug. When I saw that chair with the blanket, it brought back a lot of my childhood memories. My grandma use to do that for my sister and me when we were sick. It made me smile. :) I know that Taylor is in good hands. My grandma will take really good care of her. Thank you grandma! I love you! :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Weekend Update
We had a nice quite, relaxing family weekend. Saturday, I went and worked a few hours in the morning. When I got home Ronnie was working on the Go-Kart. He had it working and now the tubing came out of the tire on the back. The kids were bumbed out because they wanted Daddy to take them for rides. Kami really wasn't able to ride because she was sick all week with that stomach bug. Around 2:30 we went to Farmville and ate lunch at Applebee's. We then went to Wal-Mart to try to find some shoes for the kids. We had no luck there.
Sunday, we left the house around 3:30 or so and took dinner over to Ronnie's parents house. Violet's birthday was February 4th and everyone went to dinner for her birthday except for us. We didn't have the money to go. So, we took dinner over to her house since we missed her birthday dinner. When we were ordering KFC the kids asked what we were doing and I said we are taking dinner to Nanny Violet, they all started dancing in around in the back. They were excited to go see their Nanny Violet and Papa Ron. We had a nice visit. After we left Nanny Violet's we went to Wal-Mart on Midlothian to find tennis shoes for the kids. The only one that we could find shoes for was Kami. We then left there and went to Target where we found shoes for Taylor and Chase. When we left there we stopped by Food Lion for little odds and ends. We finally arrived home around 8:30. It was a long afternoon/evening yesterday.
I am excited about this evening. My friend Heather is letting me borrow the movie 'Fireproof'. I really want to see this movie. So tonight I am going to sit down after I do my mommy do's and watch this movie. Heather said that it is AWESOME! I can't wait! Thanks girl!! :)
Until next time! :)
Sunday, we left the house around 3:30 or so and took dinner over to Ronnie's parents house. Violet's birthday was February 4th and everyone went to dinner for her birthday except for us. We didn't have the money to go. So, we took dinner over to her house since we missed her birthday dinner. When we were ordering KFC the kids asked what we were doing and I said we are taking dinner to Nanny Violet, they all started dancing in around in the back. They were excited to go see their Nanny Violet and Papa Ron. We had a nice visit. After we left Nanny Violet's we went to Wal-Mart on Midlothian to find tennis shoes for the kids. The only one that we could find shoes for was Kami. We then left there and went to Target where we found shoes for Taylor and Chase. When we left there we stopped by Food Lion for little odds and ends. We finally arrived home around 8:30. It was a long afternoon/evening yesterday.
I am excited about this evening. My friend Heather is letting me borrow the movie 'Fireproof'. I really want to see this movie. So tonight I am going to sit down after I do my mommy do's and watch this movie. Heather said that it is AWESOME! I can't wait! Thanks girl!! :)
Until next time! :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Poor Kami
Well last night was a very interesting night. Around 12:30 this morning, Kami started screaming and crying at the top of her lungs. Ronnie and I rushed in her room and she was throwing up all over her bed. The poor thing. She couldn't stop getting sick there for a while. Ronnie and I took her sheets off her bed and I started washing them. Ronnie had her in the living room getting sick in the bucket. I then got a wash cloth and wiped her face off. She said, " Thank you mommy, you are the best!". She is such a sweet little thing. I felt so sorry for her. I was I could trade places with her. I finally was able to go back to bed around 3:00. Ronnie stayed home with her today. She wanted mommy to, but mommy couldn't. Ronnie hasn't been feeling that good either. I hope they don't pass this bug back and forth between everyone in the house. I just wish all this sickness would go away. It seems like every week someone is sick. I wish we could get a good snow and it would kill all the germs.
Please pray for my sweet angel Kami! She needs the prayers!
Please pray for my sweet angel Kami! She needs the prayers!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Landon ...

Right now, my best friend Michelle's son Landon is getting tubes in his ears. Please pray for him! I know Michelle was nervous and very happy to get these tubes in his ears. He Has had ear infections a lot since he was born. It got to the point that the medicine the doctor was giving him wasn't working anymore. Hopefully the tubes will help him. He is such an awesome little boy. I love getting Landon hugs. When he hugs you, he cuddles you. He is so awesome. His brother Gavin is awesome too. I love those two boys so much! I really wish I could see them more! Better believe this summer I will!! You can count on it Michelle!! LOL! Michelle and I are trying to plan a vacation to the beach this year with her family and mine. We will see what happens.
Please pray for Landon and Michelle today! Love you guys!! :)
Please pray for Landon and Michelle today! Love you guys!! :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Some Clarification .....
There seems to be some issues with my blog post on 2/6/09 regarding my Pap in West Virginia .... I was just stating that it has been a year since he passed away. I also had a grandfather that passed away when I was 18. I didn't mean that I didn't love my Grandfather that passed away 14 years ago. I loved that man with everything I had. He was a great man as well. He was the rock of our family and we lost him too. I loved both of these men. They both were a huge part of my life. Grandpa was a man that didn't judge you for anything. He treated my sister and I equal all the time no matter what. So, no I wasn't trying to say that I loved my Pap more than my grandfather. I loved them both very much!
Does that clear it up for everyone?
Does that clear it up for everyone?
Thank you Heather :)
Now my blog looks like people really exist. LOL! Heather received a new camera for her birthday, so she was more than happy to take some pictures of my kids and post them on my blog for me. She took these pictures yesterday at her house. Heather watches my kids after school for me. She posted pictures with her kids too. Our kids get along so good. Taylor Marie (Heather's daughter) is my Taylor's best friend. Chase and Lane are best friends and as well has Kami and Baylie. They love being able to see them and play with them each day. Unfortunately today they will not be able to see one another. Kami is home sick with an upset stomach. She woke up in the middle of the night. Ronnie stayed home with her today to take care of her. So that means that Taylor and Chase will be riding the bus to our house instead of Heather's. Let me tell you Chase wasn't a happy camper. Chase doesn't get to play with boys often. He is the only boy in the whole family (Poor guy). So he really looks forward to playing with Lane. Also, starting on Wednesday he will be doing an After School Program that gives him extra help in school. He will be going on Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Thursdays starting this Wednesday. The program go until May. Which means that he will only be able to play with Lane on Monday's and Friday's. Poor guy!
Well thanks again Heather! :)
Well thanks again Heather! :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Weekend Update
Saturday was an AWESOME day. The weather was nice!! Saturday Taylor and I woke up early to feed my sister's horses. I love the drive from my house to my sister's house. It gives me a lot of time to think about everything in my life. The things I have done and the things that I would like to do. When I got home from Beaverdam I opened all my windows up and turned the TV on the music channel and cleaned my house from top to bottom. I had these amazing candles burning that I bought from my friend Heather. She makes candles from scratch. Right now my favorite scent is watermelon. They are the best smelling candles!! :) If you want to check out her items you can visit her website @ . But anyway .... After I was done cleaning the house, Ronnie's brother Todd, his girlfriend Lydia, and his daughter Kaela came out to our house for dinner. This was the first time that I have met his girlfriend. All I can say about her is that I LOVE HER!! She has a great spirit about her. I am glad that you are apart of the McLarn Family now girl!! :) Lydia and I stayed in the house and had some girl talk. While the boys were outside trying to fix up our Go-Cart. They almost have it running. :) We ate dinner and then played some Spades. We all had fun! I really hope they come out again soon!
Sunday was another nice day outside. Taylor and I woke up early and feed my sister's horses again. When I got home I opened the windows again and let all the fresh air in the house. I love it when the weather is nice because I LOVE the fresh air. Ronnie and Cody worked on the Go-Cart again. Ronnie said that we need a part looked at. Hopefully we will have it running by the time the children's birthday party comes around. That would be so much fun! Sunday evening, I had a nice girl's night. My best friend Michelle and I went to the movies to see "He's just not that into you". It was an okay movie. It jumped around a lot. The ending was better then the beginning and middle. I enjoyed the company! I had fun with Michelle! I always do! I think for Valentine's Day she is planning on bringing her boys Gavin and Landon to my house. Her boys are so awesome!! When I can post pictures I will show you how adorable they are.
Well, that is enough of my weekend update. I need to get back to work now. Talk to everyone soon! :)
Sunday was another nice day outside. Taylor and I woke up early and feed my sister's horses again. When I got home I opened the windows again and let all the fresh air in the house. I love it when the weather is nice because I LOVE the fresh air. Ronnie and Cody worked on the Go-Cart again. Ronnie said that we need a part looked at. Hopefully we will have it running by the time the children's birthday party comes around. That would be so much fun! Sunday evening, I had a nice girl's night. My best friend Michelle and I went to the movies to see "He's just not that into you". It was an okay movie. It jumped around a lot. The ending was better then the beginning and middle. I enjoyed the company! I had fun with Michelle! I always do! I think for Valentine's Day she is planning on bringing her boys Gavin and Landon to my house. Her boys are so awesome!! When I can post pictures I will show you how adorable they are.
Well, that is enough of my weekend update. I need to get back to work now. Talk to everyone soon! :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
A Year Ago Today .....
A year ago today was a sad day. My Pap that lived in West Virginia passed away on this day last year. It still really saddens me. I know that GOD is taking care of him, but we truly miss him here. He was a great man. He would always make you laugh no matter what kind of mood you were in. When Katina, Theresa and I were little we use to go to West Virginia for our summer vacation to spend time with my Dad, Nanny, and Pap. When we use to get grounded by my Nanny for doing something that we were not suppose to do, my Pap would let us go outside and play. He would tell us be back home before your Nanny is suppose to be home. He would let us know what time he was going to get her. He was just the best Pap in the whole world. I know that my Nanny and Dad truly miss him. At Christmas this year my Nanny put a picture of my Pap underneath the tree. My Pap loved Christmas. He loved putting up the lights on the house and the tree. He was just an AWESOME person. I love my Pap, Nanny, and Dad. I feel bad sometimes because I didn't spend enough time up there when I started getting older. I just wish I could be there for my Nanny everyday. I know she needs me. She understands and knows that I love her with all my heart!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Long Time ....
Man, I am sorry for how long it has taken me to update everyone. Things have been real busy. For the past few weeks the children or myself have been sick. I am glad that is over for the most part. :)
My sister has been in Walt Disney World enjoying her family vacation. On the weekend we were asked to take care of the horses for her. Taylor loves it because she gets to see her horse Ace. This weekend is going to be a real nice weekend, so she is going to take him out and brush him. Hopefully she will have time to ride too. I just really don't like her riding him when my sister isn't there. I am not the most horse savay person. I get a little nervous around them. I mean they are big animals. Taylor has more confidence around them than I do. My sister called me last week sometime and told me that Jessie asked her if she thinks Taylor would mind if Jessie rode Ace. Katina told her no. So, Jessie got Ace saddled up and she took him to the round bin. Well, when Jessie got on him, Ace wouldn't move. He wouldn't do anything. Jessie looked at my sister and said that Ace really likes Taylor. Taylor was beaming when I told her that story. She said that's right my horse loves me. I am really glad that Taylor has Ace. I am really glad for my sister also. Because Taylor wouldn't have him if it wasn't for Katina teaching Taylor. I really have the best sister in the world. She does a lot for my children and me, with out really thinking about it. It is just my sister's nature. I don't think that I thank her enough. THANK YOU KATINA! I LOVE YOU SIS!! :)
Well, I really need to get back to work. I just wanted to post something and wrote what was on my mind. :) I can't wait until I get a computer at home!!! That is when I will be able to post pictures. :)
My sister has been in Walt Disney World enjoying her family vacation. On the weekend we were asked to take care of the horses for her. Taylor loves it because she gets to see her horse Ace. This weekend is going to be a real nice weekend, so she is going to take him out and brush him. Hopefully she will have time to ride too. I just really don't like her riding him when my sister isn't there. I am not the most horse savay person. I get a little nervous around them. I mean they are big animals. Taylor has more confidence around them than I do. My sister called me last week sometime and told me that Jessie asked her if she thinks Taylor would mind if Jessie rode Ace. Katina told her no. So, Jessie got Ace saddled up and she took him to the round bin. Well, when Jessie got on him, Ace wouldn't move. He wouldn't do anything. Jessie looked at my sister and said that Ace really likes Taylor. Taylor was beaming when I told her that story. She said that's right my horse loves me. I am really glad that Taylor has Ace. I am really glad for my sister also. Because Taylor wouldn't have him if it wasn't for Katina teaching Taylor. I really have the best sister in the world. She does a lot for my children and me, with out really thinking about it. It is just my sister's nature. I don't think that I thank her enough. THANK YOU KATINA! I LOVE YOU SIS!! :)
Well, I really need to get back to work. I just wanted to post something and wrote what was on my mind. :) I can't wait until I get a computer at home!!! That is when I will be able to post pictures. :)
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